Face Detection



When trying to use motion based Intelligent Video Analytics like Motion Detection, Trip Wire, Intrusion, etc., for preventive security, users are often annoyed because of false notifications. These false notifications arise because motion based analytics give notifications even for animals loitering or trees moving or waste moving due to strong winds. This ultimately leads to customers getting so annoyed that they turn off the IVAs only days after installation. Even security personnel are harassed to the extent that they stop paying attention to these events, which leads to a mishap. Therefore, in modern day surveillance systems, Real-time Face Detection is one of the key features. Matrix SATATYA SAMAS comes with advanced analytics like real-time Face Detection which helps in cutting down false notifications. For example, if other analytics such as Motion Detection or Intrusion Detecting has been configured, a false notification will not be generated with the motion of an animal or trees because Face detection is enabled. A Face Detection System ensures that a notification is sent only when there is human presence in the marked area. Moreover, Matrix Video Surveillance software – SAMAS can be integrated with Access Control for higher security. This will enable the software to take a snapshot whenever an unauthorized person tries to gain access by faking identity. Therefore, Intelligent Video Analytics such as Face Detection in Video Surveillance coupled with Access Control can ensure the best in class security for enterprises.


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